Building A Promising Crowd Of High-Priority, Target Investors
Generally, an investor is most likely to invest in a company that aligns with their interests, values and many other investment criterias. For example, some investors may prefer investments in Small-Cap, early-stage, high-growth stocks, while others may be more risk-averse and prefer investing in promising, Large-Cap stocks.
Thus, it is crucial to understand such investing parameters to identify a promising crowd of high-priority, target investors. Public Yield Capital takes a focused approach in building the right investor personas to accurately select investor profiles and predict investing behaviours, objectives, among other characteristics.
This will allow for a more targeted marketing approach, being able to identify what type of content, message, and channels must be leveraged to capture the attention of these prospective investors. Ultimately, this will support our investor outreach strategy and result in higher conversion and engagement rates, while maximizing efficiency and resources by avoiding pursuing “wrong fit” investors.